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How do we do it

The Number Eight
Ashta’ is Sanskrit for 8. The number 8 is regarded in many circles, a sacred number from so many perspectives. Interestingly, 8 bit technology is the reason why we have these devices, on which you are reading this, or watching our videos. Silicon based technology, which uses a crystal that incidentally, has 8 electrons in its second shell. They say the seat of consciousness is 8hz which is the start of alpha waves in the brain, pythagorus found that certain frequencies have a healing affect on the body, which we now know as the Pythagorean scale, using 432hz as A, which is the. 54th harmonic of 8hz, and is an 8hz harmonic structure. The earth resonates at around. 8hz called the Schumann resonance. There are 8 vessels we are born into in Buddhism, Buddhas birthday is the 8th day of the 4th month. In Judaism rituals are performed 8 days after birth, Hanukkah is an 8 day holiday, in Christianity there is a spiritual 8th day, as the 7 refers to days of the week, in Islam 8 angels carry the throne, in Egyptian mythology there are 8 primordial deities. There are 8 seats of wealth in Hinduism, Lakshmi the goddess of wealth and prosperity has 8 forms. There are 8 guardians of the directions. 8 is considered a lucky number in China and Japan, in fact the Beijing Olympics were opened in 2008 at 08:08:08am on the date 08/08/08. There are 8 phases of the moon. In music, an ‘octave’ is name ‘Oct’ due to having 8 notes in between each octave. 8 is also the symbol for infinity, I could go on and on about this magical number, including the amazing semi documentary series on Netflix Sense8.
For the Ashta project, the number 8 in particular, refers to a book by Lynne McTaggart called ‘the power of 8’ where she has conducted 1000’s of experiments around a certain magic and phenomenon which happens when you put 8 people together, and set collective intentions.
The intention behind is is to explore consciousness, and humans ability to affect things beyond the physical, and see if there is an extra sensory and energetic power we can tap into, and have direct correlative, measurable affects on reality.
The crystal skull
Carved Crystal Skulls have been used for thousands of years in rituals and mysticism. They were considered portals to higher consciousness. Many stories of Crystal skulls are told in films, famously Indiana jones and the like. But what were their properties? what powers did they give the user? Can we experiment with this phenomenon and channel their power for good and benevolence?
One of their properties, was to carve several crystal skulls out of the same chunk of crystal, so they were quantumly entangled, as they share the exact same frequency of vibration being the same oscillator, grown at the same time. They then issued these to select people, who, in a mystical way, shared consciousness and knowledge in a more clear and powerful way than before. If you have seen ‘Sense 8’ the Netflix series, then you will start to understand the potential of this experience.

These will be conducted though high class mastermind groups, whom will convene digitally on a periodic basis, which will be determined depending on the group and level of commitment, to go through a process of fine tuning your belief systems, energies and aligning intentions with the cluster. You will have at your disposal the very latest and specialist diagnostic tools, techniques and ceremonial processes, in which we will experiment with spiritual and shamanic technologies, and document how it plays out in reality. There will be 5 tiers of commitment and investment, with up to 2 Annual retreats and special events at magical locations and dates around the world included in the top 3 tier membership programs, to support your growth and development necessary to fully step into and exploit your fullest potential and highest expression. With optional retreats for the tiers 4 and 5.
We will host deeply transformative immersive retreats at carefully selected locations for their spiritual / energetic properties, and or innate beauty, on spiritually significant times of the year. At these private events, you will meet and work closely with your fellow cluster members whom you have been working with digitally, and go though powerful group activities, healing modalities, to further align, synchronise and amplify the groups collective intentions and accelerate each individuals success and personal development. These may include ‘where country laws allow’ plant medicines and psychedelics held in sacred ritual, under safe rigorously environmentally controlled situations, to raise your level of consciousness and self-awareness. Please note, these are completely optional, as we will need people whom both participate and abstain, to measure the differences scientifically between the two.

The Tools
we will be utilising technologies and techniques like group focused intention, applied kinesiology, advanced voice analytics, Subconscious Surgery TM, alternate states of consciousness, meditation, medicine plants, transmutation, vibration, eliminating negative believes, removing emotional trauma, advanced coaching methods and breath work, to mention just a few.
With these tools you can archive such things as Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizance and Clairsentience, and increase you manifesting abilities to achieve your goals.
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